


Rabbi Daniel Rockoff, M.S. & M.A.
Head of School
Ext 105
Elliot Shriner-Cahn
Director of Finance & Operations
Ext. 133
Amy Ament, M.A. & MS
Associate Head of School
Ext. 144
Rabbi Jeff Ney
Director of Middle School
Ext. 142
Rabbi Nuriel Klinger
Director of Judaic Studies
Ext. 210
Tamar Benjamin
Director, Grades 2-5
Ext. 142
Meredith Rosenblatt
Director, Tots - 1st Grade
Rabbi Dani Rockoff

Rabbi Rockoff served as the K-12 Judaic Studies Principal and School Rabbi of the Denver Academy of Torah.  

Prior to moving to Denver in 2019, Rabbi Rockoff served as Dean of the Matmidim Judaic Studies Program at the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in Overland Park, KS. He was also the congregational rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner (BIAV), a position he held since 2008. Rabbi Rockoff was ordained at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, where he also earned an M.S. in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration, as well as an M.A. in Bible from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. He also completed a Masters degree in Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. 

A Boston native, Rabbi Rockoff began his career in education, where he taught Judaic Studies to elementary, middle and high school students at the BiCultural Day School in Stamford, CT, and the Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School in Livingston, NJ. His previous rabbinic experience includes internships in Riverdale, NY and Beverly Hills, CA, as well as an assistant rabbi position in West Orange, NJ. He was also Program Director at the Orthodox Union’s Department of Community and Synagogue Services, both on the West Coast and in New York. Rabbi Rockoff is married to Dr. Ayala Zoltan Rockoff, a special educator and school psychologist; together they have four children- Shai, David Aryeh, Ora, and Beni.
Rabbi Jeff Ney serves as the Middle School Director at WDS. He joined the WDS team in 2023 with nearly two decades of experience in both formal and informal Jewish education and educational leadership, most recently as the Director of Torah Guidance at SAR High School.

Rabbi Ney is also the Rabbi of Yoram's Teen Tours (YTT), a five-week tour of the Western US during the summers. Rabbi Ney received his Rabbinic Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, as well as his M.S. in Jewish Education from Y.U.'s Azrieli School of Jewish Education and Administration.

Rabbi Ney is a passionate educator known for his devotion and dedication to his students and staff, love of teaching and learning, and wild cheering of his students at athletics events and academic competitions. He loves cooking, a good kumzitz, and spending time with friends and family. Rabbi Ney lives in Bergenfield, NJ with his amazing wife Aviva. They have been blessed with 4 incredible children- Yael, Nachi, Aryeh, and Moshe.
Rabbi Klinger, a native of Columbus, Ohio, came to Westchester Day School in 2021 as the Rabbi-in-Residence.  In 2023 he became the Director of Judaic Studies at WDS overseeing the Limudei Kodesh curriculum and education in the elementary and middle school. 

Rabbi Klinger received Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, a Masters in Medieval Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School at YU and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan.  In addition to his role at WDS he is also the Associate Rabbi at the Young Israel of Scarsdale.
Mrs. Ament began her career at Westchester Day School in 2016 as the Middle School Principal. She now serves as Associate Head of School. Prior to joining the WDS Educational Leadership Team, she was the Associate Director at the Jewish New Teacher Project, a division of the New Teacher Center, where she oversaw the professional training and support of over 90 mentors and 130 new teachers in over 60 Jewish schools, including WDS. During her tenure at JNTP, she personally mentored over 20 teachers. During her two decades in the field of Jewish education, Mrs. Ament served in various professional capacities at several educational institutions, including many years as a classroom teacher in the Boston, Los Angeles, and New York metropolitan areas. She was recently an instructor in the Education Department at Stern College for Women. She has co-authored a Chumash curriculum, published papers in a number of educational journals, and has been a sought after presenter at national Jewish education conferences. Amy holds a B.A. from Binghamton University in History and Judaic Studies, an M.S. in Administration and Supervision from Yeshiva University, and an M.A. from Brandeis University's Hornstein Program in Jewish Communal Service. She lives in White Plains with her husband, Jonathon, and three children, Ezra, Joshua and Adina.
Elliot Shriner-Cahn has joined our team as our Director of Finance and Operations.  Elliot is a seasoned nonprofit executive with over a decade of experience in organizational leadership and financial management. Most recently, Elliot was the CFO and Development Director at Camp Zeke, which he helped to grow from a startup into a thriving nonprofit organization.  

Elliot is excited for the opportunity to join the Westchester Day School family and bring the same level of dedication and commitment to WDS that has made him successful in his past work.  Outside of work, Elliot enjoys biking around New York, cooking for family and friends, and spending time with his wife, Judy, one-year old daughter, Hila, and their two dogs, Ruby and Gus.
Morah Meri has been a beloved Ganon and early elementary school educator at WDS for over 20 years and has earned the reputation of being a kind, responsive, creative, driven, and growth-minded teacher. 
Morah Meri has a double Master’s degree in Early Childhood and Special Education from the Fordham University School of Education. She is certified in Early Childhood and Special Education through grade 12. During her tenure at WDS, she has taught Ganon, Kindergarten and 1st grade. Prior to coming to WDS, Morah Meri taught pre-K, kindergarten and 1st grade at the Rodeph Sholom School in Manhattan. She has been a teacher and Hebrew Curriculum Coordinator at the Congregation Kol Ami Hebrew School for 15 years. For 9 years she was the 3rd-5th grade girls Division Head at Camp Seneca Lake.
Ms. Benjamin is a master educator who has been teaching 3rd grade General Studies for eight years, most recently at the Maimonides School in Brookline, MA. She has been a member of the Faculty Leadership Team responsible for planning in-school staff professional development and coaching teachers in the Data-Wise Project, a Harvard School of Education program that supports educators in using collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement of teaching and learning for all students. Prior to Maimonides, she taught 3rd grade at the Kehillah Schechter Academy in Norwood, MA.
 Ms. Benjamin received an MA in Education in Integrated Elementary and Special Education from Wheelock College of Boston University, and a BA in Psychology from American University. She takes an innovative approach to education and is deeply committed to making an impact on the lives of students. 

School Board


Aaron Lauchheimer


Adam Bensley
Executive Vice President

Susan Wachsstock

Russie Berger

Ben Bernstein
Trustees - Term Expires 2023
Russie Berger* Michelle Cohen* Malka Helft Sam Groner*
Robyn Shapiro Haley Toledano Joshua Trump

*Executive Board Member
Trustees - Term Expires 2024
Adam Bensley* Ben Bernstein Jared Dinkes Dani Gold
George Puro Jonathan Rosenfeld Yael Schulman

*Executive Board Member
Trustees - Term Expires 2025

Jack Bodner* Michelle Bernstein Goldberg Alex Kahn Aaron Lauchheimer*
Jessica Katz* Leah Ben David Susan Wachsstock*

*Executive Board Member
Honorary Trustees
Lawrence Gorfinkle** Don Motzkin** Barbara Plotnick Mortimer Propp**

Associate Trustees
Diana Schwartz Anate Brauer Seth Cohen Dan Gewanter
Matthew Levitan  Dan Kosowsky Matt Schatzkes Rachel Weber
Erin Gelfand

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

Westchester Day School is a Modern Orthodox, co-educational, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.